
1993. With a home basement as his headquarters and a salary based solely on commission Leif went out the hard road to success. In three years he had transformedthe one-man operation into a limited company with an annual turnover of 2,3 million SEK. The goal of running an own confectionery business was starting to come together and a candy family was in the making. Today Leif runs the company together with his employees and the success continues.

A growing family
With a growing candy family the space in the home basement was no longer sufficient and with the continued expansion Leif had to find increasingly larger storage- and office spaces. Relocations were made and new family members were added. In 1997 the new addition “Old Chap Liquorice Allsorts”, a liquorice product from Klene in the Netherlands was welcomed and proved a big success for the company as after only two years four employees were needed and the annual turnover reached 23 million SEK.

The journey continued to Fjälkinge and more spacious premises but after several relocations Leif did what any responsible and able father would; he decided that it was time to buy something own and lasting. An industrial site down the street was purchased and construction of warehouse and offices begun. Before the end of 2002 moving dayhad arrived. After two years the annual turnover had reached 134 million SEK and in this year, 2004, Leif was appointed Entrepreneur of the Year in Kristianstads Kommun.

New members
But as with all growing families the home had to expand to make room for everyone and in 2005 the warehouse area had been doubled to make room for new items from all over Europe and China. Today the company resides in a property of 22000m2 in Kristianstad. The number of employees is now at 90 and the annual turnover still grows significantly from year to year with more than 550million SEK in 2022.

Despite the rapid pace of growth there is always room for more members in the Hultén family.